Did you know that nearly 9 out of 10 retired CAAT members say their pension has a positive impact on their happiness?
Learn how being a member of the CAAT Plan allows you to build a pension-secure future.
Now more than ever, Canadians deserve access to a workplace pension, and we’ve got just the tool to help spearhead that conversation.
Introducing our new Plan Ambassador toolkit packed with resources that empower you to champion DB pensions for Canadians.
We make retirement better for Canadians by offering secure workplace pensions and sustainable retirement income for life.
A defined benefit (DB) pension plan that's effective for both you and your employees.
A workplace pension can provide employers with a key competitive edge when it comes to the ongoing race for talent.
Our defined benefit (DB) pension plan, DBplus, combines the cost certainty employers want with the secure retirement income employees need.
Know more about your pension.
As a member of the CAAT Plan, you build your pension while you work, and enjoy the benefits of a secure lifetime pension after you retire.
Get a snap shot of what retirement looks like for you.
You may be able to create a larger lifetime income by making a purchase.
Whether you're ready to retire, looking to retire early or looking for more information - understand your options.
Learn about the secure, reliable income you have in retirement.
Member blog
Enjoy helpful reads on topics relating to important chapters of your life, including retirement and beyond.
We've got you covered.
News, education sessions, and more to help you administer this important employee benefit.
Access the Employer Manual via PAL.
Register for upcoming sessions, watch past webinar recordings and access resources.
Use the new and improved Recruitment Toolkit to attract top candidates and position yourself as an employer of choice.
Catch up on our past information webinars to stay in the know.
The CAAT goal is simple: provide Canadian workplaces with access to secure, sustainable pensions.
It’s for members. For employers. For lifetime in retirement.
To remain on track and focused on our goals, the Plan relies on the leadership of an accomplished team of professionals.
Learn more about why a defined benefit pension continued to be a Big Deal for members in 2023.
CAAT Pension Plan is 124% funded with $5.3 billion in funding reserves.
A detailed account of 2023 performance and financials.
Read below for more information about what the CAAT team has been working on.
New addition to the Plan’s Senior Executive Team to support CAAT’s commitment to increasing pension coverage in Canada.
Did you catch that announcement? It’s a game-changer We dropped some pretty special news at this year’s virtual Pensions for Everyone conference on May 2. CAAT’s CEO and Plan Manager, Derek W...
Plan membership has more than doubled since the launch of DBplus in 2018