
Meet the Plan Ambassador contest winners!

contest winner photo

Recently CAAT challenged our Plan Ambassadors to get creative and post a picture of themselves in their #PensionsforEveryone t-shirt to their social accounts. Plan Ambassadors proudly showed off their t-shirts and their passion about raising awareness that every Canadian deserves access to a workplace pension.

Three winners were randomly chosen as contest winners. And we asked them what having a DB pension and being a Plan Ambassador means to them. Here’s what they had to say below.

Winner: Higgen Li (Centennial College), Removing the ‘What If’s’

Knowing you have a pension waiting for you when you retire is something that resonates with a lot of us, including Higgen. When asked what a DB pension meant to him and his family, he shared that the financial support from a pension during retirement removes the uncertainty and worry about the ‘what if’s’. Higgen also pointed out that during periods of market volatility, he can continue to feel secure and financially stable with his DB pension.

Winner: Sai Vemulakonda (George Brown College), Pensions and the employer/employee partnership

#PensionsforEveryone is so much more than just a personal benefit, says Sai. It means that employers and employees are equal partners for life, with the partnership extending even beyond the years spent on the job. He goes onto say that organizations that have a pension plan do so with employee well-being in mind and #PensionsforEveryone is a great step towards getting this for all Canadians.

Winner: Percy Maher (Jamieson Laboratories), Something to look forward to

Percy might have said it best: #PensionsforEveryone is a pretty straightforward yet very important message we are trying to get out to our fellow workers. And that despite the economic climate, there’s a secure and stable retirement income to look forward to. It’s something that everyone should have access to.

Keep going – show off your shirts!

The contest was just one of the ways our Plan Ambassadors play a role in getting the word out that defined benefit pensions provide safe and predictable income during retirement that you can rely on. And although the contest may be officially closed, don’t stop posting!

We want to see you in your t-shirts. If you share a t-shirt photo on social, don’t forget to tag us in the photo using the hashtag #CAATPlanAmbassador.