
Retirement security for all – The Plan Ambassador mandate


Access to a workplace defined benefit pension has been shrinking for many Canadians. This has forced them to figure out retirement on their own, wondering how much they’ll need, sometimes running the risk of outliving their savings and having to return to the workforce in their later years. We know Canadians deserve better and we want to help improve pension coverage across the country for them. With the launch of Plan Ambassadors, we’re on a mission to amplify the message that every Canadian deserves access to a defined benefit workplace pension, and that CAAT has a solution to improve retirement security.

Joining us are our members and other pension advocates who, like us, want to raise awareness of the need for workplace pensions and the role it plays in strengthening a financially secure tomorrow for Canadians. With each new ally, the program grows in resilience and our message of a more equitable future travels further. Don't just take our word for it. Hear from these Plan Ambassadors on how being a member of a DB plan has improved their financial outlook, planning for retirement, and what being a Plan Ambassador means to them.

For Tom Gaspar, Senior Facilitator – LIGHTS (Supported Living), having a DB pension is an amazing benefit not just for him but also for his family:

"Having a pension plan through my workplace is an amazing benefit to myself and my family! It allows for some additional financial planning for my future and retirement, which helps put things into perspective. It's extremely important for Canadians to have a pension to allow for some extra comfort in retirement. Government benefits will only go so far when most of us reach retirement, so any additional financial savings will help tremendously."

Sharon Estok, Senior Manager, Pathways and Partnerships at Centennial College, believes the value of having a DB pension transcends its individual benefits:

"Being enrolled in the CAAT pension plan has meant I’ve been able to worry less about retirement saving and able to focus more on my work and life. My pension plan benefits me and my family by giving us peace of mind and reduces the need for us to plan and invest money on our own. We can rest easy knowing that qualified professionals are making the best of my contributions."

Becoming a Plan Ambassador has meant a lot to both Tom and Sharon. In addition to being part of a great movement they have also gained a lot of understanding of their pension and its value for their future:

"I'm proud to be a Plan Ambassador and would encourage others to join so that we can correct misconceptions about DB pensions" – Sharon Estok.

"Being a Plan Ambassador means promoting and sharing information with others who may have questions about CAAT or pensions in general. I would encourage all members to explore what being a Plan Ambassador entails so they can make an informed decision. The more information one has, the more actively involved one can be through their membership" – Tom Gaspar.

Pension security is so much more than a paycheque. It means peace of mind and confidence while you work, knowing your future is protected. It means independence for you and your loved ones. It means starting your new chapter on the right foot. And it's what all Canadians deserve. If you’re not a Plan Ambassador yet, join us today to help spread the message that pensions are for everyone.