
Season 2 Trailer: More Contributors Coming Soon

Join us for a new season of Contributors: Coming this Fall.

John Ferguson headshot “The most admired Canadian businesses are about more than just the bottom line. They inspire us to reach further, think bigger and, as Simon Sinek says, ‘start with why’. Ultimately, these are organizations that not only pursue their mission, but also make Canada better. More prosperous, more resilient and more equitable.” - Russell Evans, host of Contributors

The most admired Canadian businesses are about more than just the bottom line. Ultimately, these are organizations that not only pursue their mission, but also make Canada better, more prosperous, more resilient and more equitable. Contributors host Russell Evans is gearing up to speak with a whole new roster of Canadian leaders who can share their inspiring stories about our country’s future, including tangible takeaways for employers, employees and Canadians like you. He'll go beyond the headlines to learn who his guests are personally, gather insights into their leadership styles and uncover new ideas that we can all try at our organizations.

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