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Did you catch that announcement? It’s a game-changer We dropped some pretty special news at this year’s virtual Pensions for Everyone conference on May 2. CAAT’s CEO and Plan Manager, Derek W...
Get the total Pensions for Everyone Conference experience with these 5 tips We’ve written a list you don’t want to miss. CAAT’s second annual virtual Pensions for Everyone Conference is coming to a...
Pension Awareness Day is definitely a thing! The second annual Pension Awareness Day in Ontario was on February 15. And boy, did we celebrate what a big deal defined benefit pensions are for...
We’re on Instagram! Follow us @caatpensionplan At CAAT Pension Plan, we are determined to spread the word that pensions are for everyone. That’s why we launched our new Instagram channel. Visit our...
retired members
Secure Pensions for Everyone By Derek W. Dobson, Chief Executive Office and Plan ManagerAt CAAT, we know how important your defined benefit (DB) pension is to you. You can take comfort in knowing...
The social value of your pensionAs a retired member of the CAAT Pension Plan, you can take pride in the social value your pension provides. It’s an investment in the well-being and longevity of...
The CAAT Pension Plan launches new Canadian-inspired podcast, Contributors.
The pandemic may have affected many aspects of your life, but rest assured, your pension isn’t one of them. The CAAT Pension Plan’s strong governance structure, investment expertise and Funding Policy...